Thank you for your partnership in the innocence movement!
If you are mailing in your donation, please mail to the address below:
The Great North Innocence Project
229 19th Avenue South
Suite 285 Minneapolis, MN 55455
Please make checks payable to the Great North Innocence Project.
Make a One Time Gift or Be a Monthly Sustaining Donor. To make a one time or monthly recurring online gift to GNIP, click the “DONATE NOW” button seen above. Your online donation via OneCause is secure and flexible.
Matching Donations
Double Your Impact! You can double — or even triple — the amount of your donation to the Great North Innocence Project with the help of your employer. Many companies offer matching gifts programs to encourage employees to donate to nonprofit organizations. Please check with your employer to see if it offers a matching gifts program that will match your contribution to the Great North Innocence Project. If your employer requires an Employer Identification Number (EIN, or Federal Tax Identification Number), please use: 41-2020362
Donor Advised Fund Gifts
Easy and Tax-Efficient Way To Give! Donor Advised Funds are an easy and tax-efficient way to make your charitable gifts. The Great North Innocence Project is in partnership with several of the United States’ Donor Advised Fund sponsor organizations (Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, the Minneapolis Foundation, the St. Paul and Minnesota Foundation, and BNY Mellon), and we understand the IRS mechanics of these gifts. Using your Donor Advised Fund, you may make a gift to the Great North Innocence Project designated where it's needed most to accomplish our mission.
The Great North Innocence Project Tax I.D. Number is 41-2020362.
Gifts of Appreciated Stock
Gifts of Appreciated Stock Can Benefit You While Benefitting the Innocent! Giving appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares held more than one year can provide an immediate benefit to the Great North Innocence Project and may provide you with significant tax benefits too.
You may be able to avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation of the donated asset, and may claim a deduction for the current fair market value of the stock or other asset, up to 30 percent of adjusted gross income.
Instructions for making gifts of appreciated securities
1. Talk to your broker about the securities the value of the securities you’d like to give to the Great North Innocence Project.
2. Provide to your broker the following information on transferring securities electronically to the Great North Innocence Project’s broker.
Broker name: Stifel Financial Corp.
Account registration: Great North Innocence Project
Account number: 2503-6733
DTC number: 0793
Account contact: Joseph Buska 763-542-3733
3. Let us know of your plans to transfer securities by sending an e-mail message to Sara Jones at, or call 612.625.0106. Please provide the following information about your gift:
Your name and address
The stock or other securities you plan to transfer and the number of shares
The approximate value of your gift
Leave a Legacy of Justice
Keep the fight for Freedom and Justice going! You can continue to help free innocent people and improve our justice system in the future by making a gift to the Great North Innocence Project through your will or trust, or by designating the Great North Innocence Project as a beneficiary of your retirement assets or life insurance. Your dedication to the cause of justice will live on, sustaining the fight for innocence and reform for years to come.
For information on how to make a future gift to the Great North Innocence Project, please contact Sara Jones by calling 612.625.0106.
Memorial and Honor Giving
Honor someone special! A donation to the Great North Innocence Project is a thoughtful way to honor someone dear to you. Gifts can be dedicated to others in celebration of birthdays or other milestones. You can also donate memorial gifts in honor of lost loved ones. Your donation will help free the innocent and create a safer world in which true perpetrators are imprisoned for crimes — not innocent people.
Please fill out a donation form with your dedication information and mail it in with your contribution. Once your gift is received, the Great North Innocence Project will send a card to the honoree or family member announcing your gift.