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Walk for Innocence

On Saturday, August 7, please join the Great North Innocence Project in our first Walk for Innocence! Join us "virtually" from wherever you are and walk 5k for all those impacted by the injustice of wrongful convictions. Gather your family, friends, and neighbors and march for justice together anytime and anywhere on Saturday, August 7!

Although we won't be together, you can help us spread awareness of wrongful convictions by wearing a Great North Innocence Project t-shirt while you do the 5k. When you're finished, post a photo on social media of yourself and/or your group, tag us @GreatNorth_IP and use the hashtags #GN-IP and #WalkforInnocence so we can see all of you!

Because we will not be together in person, registration for the walk is required. The fee to participate is $50/person, and with your registration you will receive a Great North Innocence Project t-shirt to wear while you walk!


  • Using the link provided above, register for the 2021 Walk for Innocence!

  • Encourage others to participate in the Walk for Innocence by sharing this registration link with them and urge them to participate as well as posting about the Walk for Innocence on your social media!

  • Make sure to "like" and "follow" us on social media so you can share our posts and, more importantly, so we can see yours on August 7! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • Wear your Great North Innocence Project t-shirt on August 7 while you participate in the Walk for Innocence and post a photo when you're finished on social media, tag us, and use the hashtags #GN-IP and #WalkforInnocence

  • Donate to the Great North Innocence Project! None of our work in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota is possible without your generosity.


Earlier Event: June 14
The Phantom
Later Event: September 8
The Phantom Documentary Screening